Thursday, November 09, 2006

Touch my Chicken and Die

Is it normal to be ravenous all the time? I could eat a whole pot roast right now. And some fried chicken. And a chocolate cake. One after the other, just like Wheat Thins. The problem is that my little body loves, absolutely loves the fat in these types of victuals. Therefore, if I give in to my ravenous...ness, I shall balloon. No, no string here, just a massive cartoon-like figure bobbing down the lane, listing from side to side, in an effort to remain upright. Such a pretty girl I am.
When Macy's has its parade, I will be front and center. You'll know me because I'll be the one with a giant chicken leg in one hand, and an ice cream cone in the other. Keep your distance... the chicken is mine.


At 5:07 PM, Blogger kara said...

But what will you be WEARING???


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